Spring Clean Up
& Mulching
Create a well-kept landscape
Leaves and winter debris are a distraction; turf creeping into beds and debris are an unwanted distraction that creates an impression of a sloppy mess. Our spring cleanup and mulching program keeps the focus on the beauty of your property and that’s the focal point you want-not weeds.
Our Process
Zeppa’s begins your spring beautification by removing all trash, sticks, pocketed leaves and debris from your beds. Spent annuals and weeds are removed additionally perennial plants and grasses are cut back. All this debris is then cleaned up and removed from your property.
A sharp professional edge is next on our spring agenda. A crisp fine honed edge spruces up your landscape by creating a designated line between your mulch and turf. Your Zeppa’s team slices an edge into the soil and then removes the turf with a shovel, spade or edger. The dirt is loosened, spread and the turf removed. We systematically and thoroughly cultivate a distinct border. Although this step is done prior to mulch is crucial to the crisp finished look we accomplish at the end.
Mulch is the final, icing on the cake, step that Zeppa’s presents. Mulch is one of the quickest ways to freshen up and beautify your property. Mulch is an organic material that is spread on the top of your garden beds and tree rings. New installation of mulch is laid at a depth of 2-4 inches. Subsequently mulch is applied as a top dressing covering the existing mulch. Mulch is beneficial as it replenishes and provides minerals to the surrounding areas. Mulch helps plants stay healthy by retaining moisture. Additionally mulch cools plants in the summer and protects from winter damage by providing insulation.

Customize Your Selection
Zeppa’s applies a variety of premium mulches.
Types of Mulch
- Grade A Cedar-this fragrant good looking mulch is long lasting, it holds color, retains moisture, resists blowing, and withstands mold and rot.
- Grade A Cypress-is attractive from the bark of the cypress trees, it is comprised of less pulp and wood, stays in place and provides an excellent weed mat.
- Pine Straw/Needles-cost friendly, durable, stays in place, is great for erosion control, and its ecofriendly.
- Hardwood Mulch-requires minimal maintenance, provides erosion control and moisture retention. Available in different colors.
Our designers will collaborate with you to make the best choice when it comes to your mulch.
Design Considerations
- Use color as an accent to your home or building’s exterior or as contrast to your flowers.
- Consider the impact on your entire landscape-think big picture.
- Contemplate color and texture
- Pay attention to bare areas as well as thick areas that need to be reduced.
Start your spring the Zeppa’s way with our clean up, shovel edge and mulch maintenance program. Our complete program starts at $750 and mulching alone begins at $100/yd. installed. Call today for your customized spring plan.